Time for the first public meeting!

It’s finally time for the first Elevate Elwood 2035 Plan public meeting: Jamboree at Callaway! Join us in the Callaway Park Pavilion on Saturday, July 17th from 4-9 PM for FREE refreshments, live music, lawn games, and activities! This event is family-friendly, and activities will be appropriate for all ages and abilities. Expect classic lawn games like cornhole, a bounce house, live music from the Checkered Vans, and fun activities where all citizens can offer their feedback.

This is the first of five public meetings that MCCOG will host during the Elevate Elwood 2035 planning process. These meetings are opportunities for all Elwood citizens to offer their input in creative, abstract ways. To read more about why we conduct public meetings, visit the Why public meetings? blog post. Hope to see you at the Jamboree at Callaway on July 17th!


See you at the Elwood Glass Festival!


Why public meetings?